
/Tag: Maintenance

Time To Get Ready For Rainy Season

Jagvir Goyal April is about to end. Monsoons are a couple of months away. Though always welcomed by us, these may also be a cause of worry if dampness or leakages appear in the walls or ceiling of the house. It is therefore always better to prepare oneself to welcome monsoons without fear. Here are a few steps, one must take well in time to avoid ill-effect of downpours: Examine the roof area: Examine the roof area minutely and spot the spots which may allow ingress of water. Get them repaired and sealed well. The flush pointing done over the [...]


Keeping house in your absence

Situations arrive in life when the house so fondly built by you for self-living has to be kept locked by you for a long period. It happens when you are moving abroad for many months to be with your son or daughter living there. Otherwise you may be posted outside and it becomes difficult to visit your house at regular intervals. During such times, it becomes important to take care of your house and to keep it safe from any damage of any sort. Let’s therefore enlist such steps that must be taken to keep your house safe and workable: [...]
